Prof. Dr. Billur KAYMAKÇALAN


office: R208       

office hours: Tuesday 14:20-15:10

          Wednesday: 11:20-12:10

          Thursday: 14:20-15:10


Course Definition:

Existence-uniqueness theorem of first order initial value problems, First order equations, Higher order linear ordinary differential equations. Constant coefficient equations. Reduction of order method, Method of undetermined coefficients, Method of variation of parameters. Riccati equations, Cauchy-Euler equations. Power series solutions. The Laplace transforms. Convolution integral. Solution of initial value problems using Laplace transform. Solution of systems of linear differential equations using Laplace transform.


Textbook: Nagle, R. Kent, Saff, Edward B., Snider, Arthur David; Fundamentals of Differential Equations, (8th Edition), Pearson (2011), ISBN 13: 9780321747730



  • MIDTERM 1 (%25): TBA (planned for week 7)
  • MIDTERM 2 (%25): TBA (planned for week 12)
  • HW's (%10): total number of HW's will be determined according to the pogress of the lectures
  • FINAL exam (%40): TBA